This Popular Chocolate Brand Is Seeing Sales Fall

A stretched supply chain has led to empty shelves and shortages at grocery shops nationwide, but the issues are affecting more than just

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U.S. businesses. In 2022, the Swiss business that makes some of the world's most popular chocolates expects sales to decline.

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According to Reuters, Lindt truffle and other chocolate sales rose in 2021 after restrictions were lifted

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after the epidemic in 2020. "People ate more treats and bought gifts for

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friends and relatives they hadn't seen during the pandemic," Silke Koltrowitz stated.

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The pandemic altered chocolate purchases, according to data. After the National Confectioners Association released its "Getting to Know

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Chocolate Consumers 2021" research in October, Fine Chocolate Industry Association executive director Bill Guyton said:

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"In the past year and a half, consumers have been increasingly willing to treat themselves to good chocolate to boost their emotional well-

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being at this stressful time. As customers find new ways to include excellent chocolate into their daily routines

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the fine-chocolate business has experimented with single-origin recipes and uncommon ingredients."

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