These Are Megan Fox's 5 Anti-Aging Secrets

In Hollywood, Megan Fox is a seductive actress. She appeared fresh-faced at the 71st NBA All-Star game in Cleveland, Ohio, with her fiance,

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Machine Gun Kelly, on February 20. She exudes a less-is-more beauty aura, and her fit shape at 35 shows that a healthy lifestyle fights aging.

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Megan Fox's crystalline sheen comes from brief showers and frequent facials. Her complexion must be clean to avoid blocked pores and

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textural difficulties. Showers are brief and straightforward for her. Hot, extended showers remove natural oils, so keep the water lukewarm. 

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According to Megan, "less is more," and she applies it to her beauty routine. She prefers simple, efficient anti-aging therapies like

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moisturizers. She uses rose oil for its deep hydration and lovely smell. Fox told The Huffington Post that organic grapeseed oil soothes and smooths her gorgeous skin. 

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Megan Fox uses vitamin C eye serum on her baby blues. It energizes, moisturizes, and reduces fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes.

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Megan Fox lives by a strict diet and workout schedule. She avoids grains, beans, and processed foods to stay in ketosis. She eats what? I

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can see why Megan chooses egg whites, wild salmon, almonds, smoothies, fresh fruits, and seasonal veggies for her five-meal-a-day schedule. 

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Megan drinks 10–12 glasses of water daily to stay hydrated, healthy, and toned. Water eliminates pollutants, reducing breakouts, oil production

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