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The 10 Best Dogs for Beginners

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Labrador Retriever

Labrador retrievers are amiable and laidback, making them excellent puppies for newcomers.

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Golden Retriever

They, like Labs, are ideal for families with children since they are "patient, calm, and gentle." They are also ideal for multi-pet households and are relatively simple to teach.

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These lively, graceful, and people-oriented dogs have gained popularity as house pets because to their intelligence, loyalty, and ease of training.

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Due to the volatile nature of poodles, numerous varieties of "doodles," or poodle mixtures, have been crossbred over the years.

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With their affable demeanor, Maltese frequently like to spend the most of their time with their owner.

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Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus, who normally weigh between 10 and 16 pounds, don't require as much outside activity as other breeds and are often

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happiest spending time with their pet parent indoors, making them an excellent choice for apartment dwellers.

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Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkies are known for their compassion and love, yet they are less needy than Shih Tzus when it comes to physical contact.

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Boston Terrier

They are typically noted for their lively, welcoming, and enthusiastic personalities. Most Boston Terriers get along well with children and are content living in apartments or houses.

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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

They are noted for their playful, sweet temperaments while keeping the spunkiness of other athletic spaniel breeds, making them a wonderful fit for a variety of pet parent lifestyles.

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First-time owners appreciate the medium-sized frame as well as their desire to be with their people. However, you may need to devote more time (and possibly money) to training this breed.

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