The #1 Best Way to Stay Healthy in Older Age

There are no shortcuts to elegant aging. If preserving mobility, cognition, and quality of life in old age were as easy as switching a switch

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They may be monotonous and annoying, but clean nutrition, regular exercise, and enough sleep are the greatest methods to age well.

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It's easy to talk about living an active lifestyle for healthier aging, but it's tougher to do it daily. A new extra issue of The Journals of Gerontology,

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Personal drive is crucial to healthy aging, say researchers. The Heuristic Model of drive and Healthy Aging underpins this work, which holds that drive 

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In less scientific terms, motivation is the key to healthy aging. People who are motivated to exercise, eat well, or pursue their passions are more likely to feel terrific

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"We all want to live well into old age in a way that promotes our mental health, meaningful life, and aspirations. People set goals to obtain their desired states

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If your major objective is to stay healthy into old age and you can find motivation, you're set! But, that surely isn't your only option. Set any positive aim for yourself. 

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affected by context and environment. Do not be scared to drop an objective if it no longer works. A bad aim might be as harmful to healthy aging as none.

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Some choose inner motivation, like the urge to play with their grandkids, while others prefer external motivators, like winning an award or reaching a milestone.

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