Clever Cooking Hacks That Actually Work

Whisk two eggs, seasoning and some grated cheese or chopped ham, pour into a greased mug and microwave on high for one minute

Omelette In A Mug

Omelettes aren't the only microwave breakfast marvel. Mix beaten eggs with a dash of milk and seasoning before microwaving on high for 1.5 minutes to make scrambled eggs.

Microwave Scrambled Eggs

Add coffee to chocolate dishes to intensify the flavor. This pairs beautifully with chocolate brownies or a gooey chocolate torte.

Make Brownies Richer With Espresso

To reduce the saturated fat in your favourite muffin recipe, you can use three ripe, very well-mashed bananas, instead of around 8tbsp (half a cup) of butter.

Swap Fat For Mashed Banana In Muffins

Fruit, chopped chocolate, and nuts should be floured before adding to fruit scones or chocolate and nut cookies to achieve even distribution. 

Coat Extra Baking Ingredients With Flour

one side of your oven may be hotter. Yours can be checked by laying slices of bread on the shelves and seeing which areas brown faster.

Check For Hot Spots With Toast

Line cake tins with parchment paper for two reasons. It keeps the cake from sticking, making it simpler to remove from the tin. Second, lining the tin side avoids cake darkening.

Line Cake Tins To Prevent Sticking

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