Beyond Meat Is Launching Its First Steak Today

Plant-based meat has become common in recent years. Plant-based proteins like pea protein burgers 

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and soy chicken have become grocery store and restaurant staples. Few have tackled a product like Beyond Meat's today.

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The plant-based giant is adding a meat-like beef product to its huge repertoire. The frozen Beyond Steak is available in more than 5,000 Kroger, Walmart, Albertsons

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In June, Beyond Meat CEO Ethan Brown told The Wall Street Journal, "It's probably one of our best products to date." Beyond Steak offers

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complete meat chunks, unlike the brand's other products, which mimic ground meat like burgers and sausages.

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According to the company, vegan steak offers the flavor and texture of cut steak tips with the nutritional and environmental benefits of plant-

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based meat. The seared bite-sized pieces are GMO-, antibiotic-, and hormone-free and include 21 grams of protein and 0 milligrams of

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cholesterol.The steak can be prepared in a skillet or air fryer for five minutes and used in fajitas, tacos, stir fries, sandwiches, and salads.

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"Beyond Steak is a highly anticipated expansion of our popular beef platform and we're proud to introduce this innovative product to

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consumers nationwide," Beyond Meat's Chief Innovation Officer, Dariush Ajami, said in a news statement.

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